Twilight Saga – Eclipse

Untuk org2 yg x tau...selain minat Harry Potter, aku jugak fan untuk Twilight Saga. Eclipse dah kluaq and i watched it.

But donno, why I cant feel the deep love as I read in the novel? It still lovely story but yet, I miss the story in the novel. 130minutes is not enuff to cover the thick book. As always, everybody is lovely in this story. Adik for sure gonna miss Jacob. Adik...I watched it...dont jelous.

But, I'll wait for the Breaking Dawn...hope it will not disappoint me.

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BCO said...

Uikkss bila g watched..kata x watched lg sbb xdapat mimpi..hehehehe.. tipu kami ekk ???

hijriah-hidayad-hiwayat said...

x tipu la...btoi....