The Colors of Chromotherapy

Dinshah developed the full spectrum color wheel. And this book lists the color light protocols to use against the various disorders (diseases)

So what we use for therapy are AromaSound penlights - but we want you to be able to use what you have at home and apply intentions towards what you use. 

So you have your *diffusers* and you have your *oils.*

Here are ways that you can use your *diffuser lights* and *oils* to address the issues you are faced with.

if you want to address *phlegm*
🌿oil to use: RC / Raven
💡diffuser light : Lemon
- because lemon cairkan kahak (it’s like an expectorant)

If you want to address sleep
🌿oil : lavender / P&C / Cedarwood
💡diffuser color : BLUE or PURPLE

*Color lights and what it’s properties* ⬇

*LEMON* 🍋 
- cairkan kahak
- bone builder
- stimulates the brain

- nerve builder 
- stimulates the brain

- stimulates the respiratory system
- lung builder
- stimulate milk production

- stimulate pituitary gland
- destroys bacteria
- build muscles 

- moves the blood
- stimulates the immune system

- relieves itchiness
- induce sleep
- relieves fever

- Emotional equilibrator
- helps to build aura
- helps people with tantrum

- reduce fever
- malaria
- also induce sleep

- skin tonic
- builds skin


XOXO Lots of loves -H3H-