Alhamdulillah - Young Living Rank Up

Alhamdulillah... Walopun masih ada 4 hari towards closing day... End of the month.... Syukur... I've been rank up again this month. Syukur alhamdulillah.
With me today, @sisfawah jugak ranked up to Star. Betapa gigilnya aku dengan Fawah sebab dah ujung2 bulan ni kan. But, alhamdulillah... Syukur... Ya Allah.

Tahniah to my cuzzy, Kak Are jugak sebab qualified as new Star. Alhamdulillah. 

Dah alang2 bercakap pasai rank up... Let me congratulate my other sisters, Kak @cikmin.something4everyone dan Shima @shipijoan yang rank up earlier this month. Saja tunggu nak wish sekali 😁

What a blessed. Syukur dapat team yg sangat aktif dan bersemangat. YL biz is a teamwork business. We plan and we work together. Saling membantu... Saling menyokong.

Alhamdulillah.. Syukur... Thank you to our 💎 , our mader kak @missferial , Kakak minyak kami kak @irimsan_essentials and rest of the team. You know who you are.

Walaupun kami semua masih baru... Baru nk belajar bertatih dan climbing... Semua orang bersedia untuk tunjuk ajar kami... Tanpa jemu menjawab soalan2 kami. I loves this positive family. I loves the vibes.

This is the best working family, I found...after A&D team. A&D is my working team in Celestica.. My keja hakiki... My family for years... And years to come.

Essential oil just not change how I value my life, but it also lead me to out from my comfort zone... To challenge myself and I found new love here. Alhamdulillah. 

Semoga bas ke Utah nnt penuh dengan Cereal Oiler & Oil by Myside family.

Loves all, Nurhijriah


XOXO Lots of loves -H3H-