PotterHead House

Yeay...finally I made it.

Berjaya jugak ke sini.
Anak dengan ibu sama happy...hahahaa...

Actually, kecik ja café ni.
Agak tercerok jugak. Tapi...tak la susah nak carik.

Banyak props yg bole digunakan untuk ambil gambar. Dengan syarat you must order drink/food.

Without drink/food...each prop you want to use cost you rm10.
Baik la order kan?

There no heavy or main course here.
Just drink and snacks.

My little Harry Potter chubby...hahaha

So many cute things here...

Ada jugak accessories yang dijuai...tapi ibu tak beli pun la.


Tukaq robe kaler itam pulak

Ibu pun teringin...hahaha


Butterbeer...non alcohol tau walopun namanya beer

music box yg anak main ni...muzik dia bunyi lagu harry potter...best

butterbeer rasa apa? Rasa masam2 manis...macam ada sejenis candy yg plum sweet tu

ini...anak punya

yg penuh nuts and almond tu acu dan yana yg punya

mahal la jugakkan...utk drink and snacks ja...kalo pi kena nasi kandar...tersnadar dah rega ni

p/s : dia dah Tanya...bila bole repeat?

For me...for potterhead...this is nice place. Tapi...cafenya sgt kecik dan sempit. Gloomy pun ya...may be sbb wizard world agak gloomy kot. Hahaha

Will I repeat? May be...hahahaha

XOXO Lots of loves -H3H-