Am I workaholic?

Aku x tau la nk kata aku ni workaholic ataupun dak? Aku enjoy dgn kerja2 yg aku buat la. I'm a career woman (7 years in Celestica), I'm a businesswoman (but still newbie in baking), I'm a writer (so call a writer? my novel not even on market yet...soon insya-Allah), not to forget I'm also a wife, mom, doter and sister.

My day start from very morning till next morning. Alhamdulillah...sound tight and cant breath...but its my life and I enjoy it.

I know, I'm a human. Sometimes I feel tired, feel exhausted...feel like being used...but its life. There lot more outside there suffer without a good job, good life and I have all. No other praise except to Allah.

Why suddenly I talk about this? Now I'm having new challenge in my career, I dont know if later its gonna create new path for me...but hint is there...given. Feel stress...feel not enuff time being in office...then its start teach me to work prioritise my make a to do list. Negotiate with respective party. So, I feel...hey...I'm growing up.

Sigh will never help me...I must think how to clear my work....not to think why I have so many works when some people in my team can play around and always MIA.

I must responsible on my work as people believe in me...

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