A Broken Heart...

No lah...its actually a broken vase. Sapa punya kerja? Sapa lagi kalo bukan si awang Kecik Muhammad Rayyan Hiwayat. I switched off the lamp to make him scared and come out from bedroom. Unfortunately, dont ever think he gonna be scared but he continue playing by himself.

Suddenly, we (me and hubby) heard of something. And what we found? He smiling (not smiling la, renyih) sambil hold his Jr Incredible.

What to say, what broken is already broken. I catch him because he still wanna continue playing and let hubby settle the mess. hehehehe...

But, really sayang lo...this vase bought by mak in Sarawak few years back.


But what to say, this is her beloved grandson punya kerja. Sorry ya mak tok.