Aku tak suka

Listen to radio every morning, make me listen to Can I help you, panggilan hangit or anyting on the radio station yg mengenakan org.

I hate this kind of call or jokes...you dont even know if people yg nk kenakan org lain tu is really mean friend. Maksud aku, kalo someone tu btoi2 tgh mengharapakna sesuatu they make joke of it by fake offer or anything. For me, its damn stupid. Hang memebri harapan pada orang then when they react, u told them its just a joke? Its cruel man....lawak ada batasnya. Mcm pernah skali dulu...kat hotfm...a husband ask to make panggilan hangit to his wife and told her he wanna poligamy and actually its true. Can u imagine his wife feeling?

x semua benda bole dibuat lawak dlm dunia ni....fikir2kan lah...