Customer Visit

Hari ni agak kelam kabut. Program told, it will be an audit.

He want to see all area related to PDM and pricing process.

So, pagi ni baru sempat nak prepare segala presentation + pain area. Hari2 kelam kabut, semalam pun... Koi 9.30 baru balik keja 😭.

Pagi ni konon nak pi keja awai... Koi 10.30 jugak baru aku sampai. Padan la muka 😬

But, after met him... This is a visit... Bukan audit. Kalo audit... Lagi dashyat. Ni dia nk understand process and see pain area/challenges ja.

So... End the presentation with cup of coffee made by Kak Lina.

See...our happy face sbb all went well. Alhamdulillah. Kebetulan... Both of us wear brown... Mcm janji pulak. 😜

XOXO Lots of loves -H3H-