KITA Netball Tournament (Apr 8, 2017) and intensive training

Tajuk poyo kan? Intensive training la sangat. Hahahahaha

Why its an intensive training? Sbb kebyakan dlm team ni mak mak org yg dah lebih 10 tahun tak main and we have only a week gap before tournament. Hahahaha....

Mcmanapun, I'm glad and I am happy to be part of team.

Lets see memorable training days and on the tournament day.

First day training, masing2 semput....xdak stamina weiiii....budak2 bujang ni aktif ja.

Farah mmg shooter yg hebat.


Second day training, key player dah injured


Third day training, we have friendly match dgn Panasonic di Sport Center after some training kat CMY. Good game, team.


 Last day training, kami training di SMK Kulim Hi-Tech.






We had friendly match with Tele-Flex. But, unfortunately there is accident during game and injuring player from Tele-Flex sampai kena panggil ambulan sbb kena tengkok.
Serius....risau gila. Sbb tengkok.


 Tournament day.


with my best friend


It was a great experience. 2018? Don't think can la adik2 pulak...hahahaha