Sunday thoughts

Sunday thoughts (as a result of comments by angry Chinese-Malaysian on my previous post)

To most od my beloved Chinese-Malaysians, unless you are descendants of Northern Chinese Clans like Jurchens (or its later on manifestations like Manchurians), MANDARIN is NOT your mother tongue. I shall concur with Professor Emeritus Tan Sri Dr Khoo Khay Kim on this.

Your mother tongues are languages soon to be destroyed and amalgated by Mandarin. Its called Min language (Main Hokkien, Amoy Hokkien, TeowChew, Fuchew), Yue language (Cantonese, Kwongsi), or Hakka etc.

Our Ancestors spoke almost Zero Mandarin. The Grammar and Vocabularies of Min, Yue, or Hakka were substantially different from Mandarin back then, before the Northerners began assimilation and amalgation of Mandarin into our mother tongue.

However if you are JUSTIFYING such destroying of our mother tongue, bear in mind that the very same Justifications can be invoked against 'mandarin' where Bahasa Melayu is concerned. All justifications you use to defend Mandarinisation that destroy our mother tongue, can be use to support the use of Bahasa malaysia as our new mother tongue.

You are willing to adopt Mandarin, a foreign language by invaders spoken by almost NONE of our ancestors (and they wouldnt even understand it), which were forced unto them against their tradition and culture, as your own mother tongue, what is stopping you for adopting Bahasa Melayu as your new mother tongue? At least Bahasa Melayu is not an invader language that were forced upon us by invaders. It is a language we are gifted with as we become the citizens of Malaysia.

Why are you willing to adopt a foreign invader language as your own, but not a language of a land that welcomed us, and provided us for so long?


XOXO Lots of loves -H3H-