Thumbs up...

The whole day today, aku dalam planning session. Aku ada presentation pukul 3 ptg but I join from the morning...good for me to stay. A gain a lot of information that I never know before and to gain my confident to do my presentation.

Its not easy for me after almost 3 years I dont make any big movement in my career. To make come back, I've choose skills and training to give a big impact as its a big area. I'm not greedy just to find my satisfaction back. I lost the satisfaction after became an executor.

As per Kak Lina, I lost my touch in previous meeting with mgmt which chair by me and also in braisntorming meeting before presentation.

I get my first satisfaction, after presentation I get thimbs up from Rahman and Kak Lina...not to forget Zamri..."Hijriah, do a very good job."

Hopefully my path is not hard as I ever imagine when I take up this responsibility.

Pray for me...
I want to have my touch and creativity again...
I want to wake up and make my move again...
I dont wanna lost the precious moment again...

I met Dennis Lim (hubby for Angeli Lim, one of PDA in CTO...friends of mine while in NA), he's much younger than expected and muxh taller than I've imagined....hahahaha

I'll meet him with customer Thales tomorrow. They have visit CMY and this is my chance to close some open delayed issues.


Anonymous said...

good work!! keep it up.. everybody have their own potential to shine.. just give it a rub and lets do the MAGIC!!! :) you know you can do IT!!

hijriah-hidayad-hiwayat said...

thanks, min.

love it...