Hello Celestica

After 8 months WFH, hari masuk sat Celestica. Tapi...tak masuk ke opis kami. Hanya ke meeting room...for half day only... untuk customer audit.

Rindunya.... Hahaha... Tak pernah terfikir akan WFH selama ini.... Dan our WFH journey still continues...

Learned lot of SOP hari ni. Life is never same anymore 😭. Annual audit biasanya dengan customer on plant... Tahun ni hanya melalui video conference. Meeting room yg biasanya bole muat belasan orang cuma bole muat kan less than 10. Few checks and approval required sebelum bole masuk Celestica.

Sib baik gads masih kenai 🤣🤣🤣🤣. We're still Celestican ya. ✌🏼

@afzan_jalaluddin doing a very good job 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


XOXO Lots of loves -H3H-