GBM : Happy Birthday Adnin and Kak As

Happy birthday, our sister Adnin Falina.

Kita ajak Adnin potong kek sama2 dengan kak As.

Miss u, kak As

 And.... Happy advance birthday to our darling sister yg jauh di 🇯🇵... You always close to our heart. 😘😘😘😘😘

Wishing you happy and prosperous year ahead of you.
May Allah bless you forever & always.
And of course... Stay fabulous. 😘😘😘😘

Tema even GBM kali ni, Metalystic. Disebabkan even plan last minute, bole pakai any color, tapi....tudung mesti warna grey.

Deco is by Akar Lima....cost us rm50. Simple deco, tapi cantik. They ask about theme we want. And they did great. Its lovely.

Kawasan Akar Lima with its original deco memang cantik...klasik dan unik.

Its turn out really nice. Semua pic cantik2 amat. Owner of Akar Lima pun sporting sangat, tolong tangkap pic kami.

Qaseh...penyeri event kali ni. Kena pulak her school uniform is in grey. Sangat menepati tema.

Kek untuk Adnin, kaler hijau? Sebab, Adnin peminat setia matcha....bila tengok matcha ja, mesti tringat Adnin.

First time jugak buat monogram kek.Alhamdulillah, turn out great (sesekali syok sendiri....tak salahkan?).

Food? Thank you for our sponsors, Aida and xxxxx (mintak dirahsiakan....hihihihii). Alhamdulillah.

My pray, GBM sisterhood will be forever. Ukhuwah till Jannah, insya-Allah. I loves these beautiful sisters. They beautiful in and out. No jealousy.




I love this much

