Registration day - 1 Januari 2015

Happy New Year....

1 Jan 2015, satu permulaan bg keluarga kecik H-H-H. Our little Hiwayat is going to primary school. Alahai... anak ibu dah masuk darjah 1 rupanya. Masya-Allah...time flies.

Our little handsome boy will be in Sek Keb Ibrahim. Alhamdulillah, 1 of the best primary school in Kedah.

Doa ibu dan abah, anak akan dapat suaikan diri and grab all knowledge you can. Have fun in school but can achieve the best in education. Insya-Allah. Pemimpin yg baik, bukan saja bijak tp berilmu.

Macho isnt it? Hahaha

Aduhai...pakai kasut pun silap

My love

Parents will listen to some talk/taklimat from 9.30am till 12 noon. Kids taken to their classes. Anak will be in 1 Tekun. Semoga tekun belajaq ya, sayang.

Berbaris nk ke kelas.

After talk, al parents went to pick up kids from their class teacher.

Baru 2 jam, baju dh lepaih keluaq? Aduhai....

Harap cikgu2 ni akan tabah dan sabaq melayan anak2 ni ya.

We have some drink at canteen before leave.

A proud Ibrahimian. Insya-Allah.

Buku tulis...buku teks x dapat la lagi.