Tag from Marie

Sorry lah...lambat sgt nk jawab nih...


1. If you can be an animal, what will u be?
>>> erk...dah jd org elok2 nk kena pk kalo jd animal ka?
>>> kalo kena jugak pk...kucin la kot...pastu nk tuan mcm ayah dengan mak...pi mana pun musti igt kucin...hehehhe

2. If you robbed a bank, what do you want to do with the money?
>>> mana boleh rompak2...nanti kena ptg tgn

3. If you can teleport yourself anywhere in the world, where do you want to be? why?
>>> MEKAH dan MADINAH...I wish I can be there, someday...insya-Allah...kalo boleh nk mati kat sana, simpan kat Baqi'

4. If you know that you are dying, what is the last meal that you want? why?
>>> x mo makan nk mengucap ja

5. If you can only kill one person in this world, who is the person? why?
>>> x mo bunuh, nanti kena bunuh balik

6. If you can choose either to have more than 24 hours a day or can live more than 100 years, what is your choice? why?
>>> x mo...lagi lama idup lagi byk dosa...huhuhuhu

7. If you can date celebrities, who is that person? why?
>>> hubby dan anak...celebrities di mataku

8. If you can only have 1 thing in this world, what should that be? Why?
>>> rezeki yg berkat

9. If you have the opportunity to tag 7 of your friends, who are they? why?
x mo bg sapa lagi...sbb x mo kena tag lagi...lama baru leh nk jawab nih...huhuhuhuhu