Think about it...

Hidup x slalunya cerah. People always talk about it. Yes, it is. But its not about me. Its about people around me. Who are they? Just let myself know who they are. I just wanna share something which may be good for you but also a reminder for myself.

In life, day to day we face challenges. Regardless big or small, challenge is still challenge...problem is still problem. The only thing is how you face or take the challenge is. Even its only a small thing but if you take it as big big big thing its gonna be seen as big PROBLEM. You gonna waste all you emotion and energy whenever you think to much. Dont take it easy...dont think about the problem but think how to solve it. Then you can have your life.

Envy and people...never thought to separate it out. You never can do that. We cant change people and we cant make people to like I believe in sincerity. Allah will always be with people who sincere in their life and whatever they do. One fine day, anyone who always think bad about you and feel bad to you will realise who you are, what you did as long as you sincere have no bad intention to others.

I'm not an angel. I'm not that good can so call a pure heart...but do not do bad to not spread bad stories to others...let share the happiness and not the not make people not gonna feel good also...

Lets live happily together...with all our friends and family. If you don't feel it good, talk nicely not talk behind as that person will never know what do you feel without you telling them. Think about it, lets start our happy life. Insya-Allah...we will happy and stronger to face our life.

"Life is like an onion: You peel it off one layer at a time, and sometimes you weep."

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