Tugas baru, cabaran baru sedang menanti...

Next month, 30/03/09 anak akan genap setahun. Maka genap dua tahun setengah aku berada dalam comfort zone aku.

I make my move in my career again by starting handling a project as beginning. Masa berpoya-poya sudah tamat. Time to work...wake-up...wake-up.

Skills and training, its sound interesting for me as I love to read+learn and exploring. But to make a start not as easy as imagined. Proposal sendiri pun aku dah failed. A lot of comments, I lost in my own subject. I need to wake up quickly and sharpen my idea.

I need to re-arrange my time, Time Mgmt course last week I hope will help me managing my time.

Pray the best for me. Insya-Allah...
